There are so many marketing strategies, whose names we may not yet know, but whose effects we suffer on a daily basis.
And one of these is, probably, the civetta product.
I bet that very often you will have fallen into this marketing strategy without even realizing it.
In reality, it is a conceptually very simple traditional Specific Database marketing strategy, but, as often happens, it is precisely the simple things, if used wisely, that bring great results.
So let's go and see what a flirty product is.
Let's begin!
In this article
What is a coquettish product
Example of a flirty product
A coquette product in traditional marketing
Owl product in digital marketing
What is a coquettish product
A coquettish product is a product that is sold at a much lower price than the base price and is, at that time, very convenient to buy .
The strategy therefore consists in highlighting this product in an advertising campaign, sold at a truly convenient cost, with the aim of attracting people to a point of sale.
Once inside the store, people, in most cases, will not limit themselves to buying only the product they went to the store for ( the coquette product, in fact ), but they will also buy other products they will be attracted to.
This technique is also often referred to as "fowl pricing", when referring to the strategic decrease of the price rather than the product itself.
In that case we can speak of a real pricing strategy .
To make you understand how effective this technique is, consider that often brands even sacrifice the profit on the flirty product to implement this strategy!
Let's take a look at a practical example.
Example of a flirty product
Imagine a brand that has a product that usually sells for €10 and which costs them €6 (so, normally, it makes a €4 profit).
He decides to use it as a flirtatious product and therefore puts it on offer for €5 .
In this way, it will attract many people to the store, but, every time the product is purchased, it will lose €1.
However, all those people who come to the store will probably be attracted by other products and will buy them, which they may never have bought.